New Start, New Transformation, New location of Xtreme Racing Club, Inviting You to Enjoy Race

Source: 灿辉国际   ・  views: 1,341

The new office completion ceremony of Xtreme Motorsports was held in Tonglian Innovation Industrial Park in West Hongqiao, Shanghai on May 22, 2018. The completion of the new office contains the significance that Xtreme Motorsports will be more close to the tendency of the times, dedicated to the overall promotion of brand power. It will make the sports and culture industry of racing, and help the development of racing in China. This is a milestone for both the future of Xtreme brand and the strategic layout of Automobile Business Department of GLORIOUS INTERNATIONAL.

Mr. Zhao Hui, the Chairman of GLORIOUS INTERNATIONAL GROUP and Mr. Lu Jingwen, the General Manager of Xtreme Motorsports, poured champagne together to celebrate the new office completion of Xtreme Motorsports

West Hongqiao, Shanghai, as the rapidly developing region in the east, is breeding the next super CBD in Shanghai. Xtreme Motorsports adheres to the long-term vision and has set up a new office here, which will enable it to have a faster response speed, a broader vision, a stronger brand image. It will transmit the racing culture to the public, so that more racing amateurs can enjoy the fun and pleasure brought by speed.

Mr. Lu Jingwen, General Manager of Xtreme Motorsports, said: “In 2017, the company’s business continued to achieve new breakthroughs and strides, and began to make substantial progress in a new field. Today’s removal represents that the company’s future achievements will be greater. We will grasp this opportunity to bring about an update of ideas and a real improvement in business relying on our strength. ”

As one of the earliest professional racing clubs in China, the company’s facade is minimalist and handsome, and the matte gray wall background sets off Xtreme’s strong visual impact.

Passing through the entrance area and walking inside, you can see the clean space with a full sense of lines, which conveys a modern design style combining sculpture with artistic atmosphere. The streamlined lights are like racing cars on the track.

Taking ivory as the dominant hue, the workplace possesses hundreds of liftable desks, with simple ins style design. In the environment of the French windows in the workspace, the penetrated light gives you a feeling of being in the mirror.

When you are sleepy and tired after work, you want to find a small space to stay alone, where can you go? Minimalist style rooms bring a sense of comfort to employees. It is quiet and spacious, with a strong Chinese style.

A company with a strong racing gene is naturally inseparable from the presentation of racing elements. The whole space, the cool and dynamic racing background wall, and the strong visual impact strike people a lot.

At the time of the lunch break, play the racing simulator agilely together with three or two racing enthusiasts, wandering between virtual and reality, experiencing the joy with an adrenaline rush.

Looking back, the past decade sees an extraordinary racing journey of the development of Xtreme Mortorsports. Ms. Gao Hongyu, Senior Consultant of GLORIOUS INTERNATIONAL GROUP, said at the scene: “Through the whole journey, our belief in racing events is still the same as the original intention, which always remains as the core of Xtreme’s professional standing.”

In the 2017 and 2018 China GT seasons, Xtreme Motorsports team participated in the competition in GTC and GT4 classes and won several trophies.

Xtreme will continue to carry out racing events in reliance on its excellent technical strength, and provide a package of products and services with racing sports as the core feature, thus offering diversified racing cultural experience to more people.

About XTREME Motorsports

Xtreme Motorsports not only brings in Radical races, but also possesses the general agency of British Radica and Austrian KTM brand racing and sports cars in the whole of China, also being responsible for brand promotion and event operation. Since its establishment, it has been committed to cross-border cooperation involved in automobile, sports, culture, entertainment and other industries. Xtreme Motorsports team will utilize its strong professional resources in European to provide the quality racing service for the racing drivers, and relying on the influence of Radical and KTM brands in the international racing field and their product advantages, it will push the two brands towards the emerging forces in China’s racing industry.